
Arina Technologies Disclaimer

General Disclaimer:

Arina Technologies shall not be held liable for any content and copyright issues related to its services and products. Clients are advised to ensure proper submission of all information, avoiding any unethical processes.

Property Ownership:

Arina Technologies does not claim ownership of client property post-delivery. Clients are responsible for any issues arising from incorrect information provided during development, thus urged to ensure accuracy for optimal solutions.

Employee Misuse:

Arina Technologies disclaims responsibility for any unauthorized use of client site code by its employees. However, in the event of misconduct, the company pledges to assist in resolving the matter in favor of the client through legal channels.

Client Rights:

Clients retain rights during development and can incorporate all copyright content, with Arina Technologies providing assistance in this regard.

Sales Manager Limitations:

Arina Technologies' sales managers are authorized within defined limits for document signing. However, the company bears no responsibility for liabilities beyond project agreements.

Agreement Execution:

Agreements exceeding USD 10,000 are valid only when signed by a VP-level individual and the company's legal representative. Legal correspondence may be directed to legal@arinat.com.

Business Manager Assurance:

Clients can feel secure with business managers operating within specified limits, as mentioned above.

Agreement Validation:

Agreements must be properly executed within seven days from signing and submitted to the company office for record-keeping with signatures from both parties. Failure to comply within the timeframe will render the document invalid. Any additional work requires agreement revision, with new terms submitted within seven days for legal validation.

Data Theft Policies:

Employee, User, or Client Data Theft:

Any instance of data theft by an employee, user, or client will result in legal action by Arina Technologies, in accordance with Indian Government law.

Solution Delivery:

Arina Technologies safeguards all client code. However, failure to claim a completed solution after reminders may lead to deletion without notice for data protection. No refunds will be issued, and legal action may be taken for recovery.

Terms & Conditions

Intellectual Property Rights:

All content on the Arina Technologies website is protected by copyright and intellectual property laws. Users are prohibited from altering, copying, or commercially using any content without permission.

Trademarks & Copyright:

The copyrights and trademarks used on the website are the property of Arina Technologies and its owner, protected by law.

Limitation of Liability:

Arina Technologies disclaims liability for damages arising from website use. Users accept any risks associated with accessing and using the site.

Revisions and Errors:

Arina Technologies may periodically revise content but does not guarantee its accuracy. Users acknowledge the possibility of technical, typographical, or photographic errors.

Third-Party Links:

Arina Technologies disclaims warranties for third-party services and any damages resulting from user dealings with such services.


Arina Technologies reserves the right to modify the terms of use without notice. Users are encouraged to review the latest terms and conditions regularly.

This disclaimer is subject to change without prior notice. Users are advised to review it periodically for updates.